This morning started with tea (cream and sugar, of course) with Jesse and Lucy before anyone else got was fun! You should hear their British accents...sooooo cute!
We proceeded to walk Jesse to school, and after signing him in, Darren was talking to an aquaintance he and Pam have made over the past few months who has a daughter in the school as well. Darren introduced Judy and me to Jarmen, who is a Muslim Bengali. Next thing you know we are at his 'flat', meeting his wife Joahna, and having tea. This was an incredible breakthrough for Darren and Pam, as they have so wanted to establish a friendship with them; and after hearing Jarmen and Joanha describe their desire to have friends, and how much they had appreciated Darren and Pam greeting them daily, it seems to be a real friendship in the making! Darren felt that having us there prompted the tea invitation as a sign of respect for us. Hopefully, then , we were able to be used in Darren and Pam's ministry in a small way. Pray for them.
Yes, we did all those things in the blog title in the last two days. I didn't blog last night because we were tired!
The real highlight of Thursday, 3-20-08, however, was getting to hear Darren speak at their church, Christ Church, Spitalfields. It was Maundy Thursday, the night of Christ's last supper with His disciples. Darren's 'talk', as listed in the bulletin, was excellent, and was the first time he had spoken in their church...and doubtless it won't be the last. His sermon should be published...classic Darren.
Both days have been cold, but especially clear and sunny today while we were touring from 9:30 AM to 2PM. (Judy and I found a 'pub' that had great fish and chips!) Then, late afternoon, it actually sleeted! Good timing for us to be inside this afternoon! This evening, we had home made deep dish pizza (thanks to Darren (the 'deep' part) and Pam (the wonderful homemade whole-wheat dough). Then we took the kids to a local theatre and saw the recent Dr. Seuss movie. (I think I dozed in the last half...not sure how it ended!)
Now, to the more material, we enjoyed seeing the sites listed about. Thursday was mostly the Tower Bridge and London Tower, and today, Friday 3-21, was all the rest. Since they are so famous, I'll just show the pictures without commentary, and w/o order of how we saw them:
And, we were back in time to pick Lucy up from her school!
Parliment Building
1 comment:
Great pictures. Love the one of the kids drinking tea. Addison looks SO MUCH like Luci! Cute!!
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