(Posting Thursday afternoon, 2-28-08)
Our Wednesday started with a meeting at Possibilities Africa...a Christian organization founded by Martin Simiyu, a Kenyan, Moody Bible Institute graduate, and Biola MOL graduate. I was asked by both Dan Maltby (MOL Director) and Joe Davis to be sure and contact him if at all possible. Among many other areas, PA has a business incubator program to help young entrepreuers get their businesses off and running; objective being to help Kenyans help Kenya raise the economic levels. After a wonderful introduction of the ministry, I had been asked by Martin a couple of days before to speak to the issues of marketing and budgeting which the guys were struggling with. I did my best, but added a 3rd topic on biblical stewardship which I challenged the guys to embody personally so that it would be embodied in their business as well. It was a wonderful time of just sharing 'grey-hair' wisdom along with some best practices to hopefully help them progress. This picture is the group; JP, Martin, and myself are in the center in that order. Darren (taking the picture) was able to join us and I think even benefited from some of ole dad's marketing experience. It was great to have him there, and for him to make some appropriate connections for InnerChange.
We left Possibilities Africa at 12:30PM and drove for 1 1/4 hours to Kijabein the Rift Valley area, where Moffet Bible College is. Our purpose was to meet with Rich and Kathy Harrell, missionaries from my home church, EVFree, Fullerton. JP had met them previously with Joe/Molly Davis, and we had mutual interest to visit them. They are incredible hosts, wonderful assets to the college in many roles, and extremely knowlegable about Kenya. They were so warm and welcoming to us, including a fabulous meal which Kathy said was 'leftovers' because of short notice. (I would come and eat their 'leftovers' any day!). We enjoyed their company for about 2 hours; we discussed Crown Ministry type teaching at the college, and I see incredible opportunity to tie that in with the desire in Nairobi for the pastors, and WR staff.
Here is their home, overlooking Rift Valley, the most beautiful spot ever! (a little hazy this day, but in the background is Mt. Kenya) I could sit and talk with Rich for days on their front pourch! (So could Darren, who quickly learned of Rich's curriculum development writing skills, a passion of Darren's).
The 'Near Death' Experience(s):
When we got back from the Rift Valley around 5PM, Darren wanted to tour the Hurlinggum area for the InnerChange couple that is considering that area when they move to Nairobi in the next 30 days. He assured JP that he could drive a vehicle with the sterring column and the wrong side of the car on the wrong side of the road, (after all, he was FROM London [tho they have NO car])so off we went. What WAS I thinking???. The area was fairly close, and I was taking pictures to send them. Then we came upon one of the infamous 'roundabouts' in the road, and Darren decided to take an empty spot, and make 3 lanes out of 2. Just so happens there was a policeman standing right at the bumper as he pulled around the car. (death experience #1..no license, considerable cash on us, and horrific tales of what policemen in Kenya do when they stop you). After some extreme facial expressions and graphic arm gestures I didn't understand (glad I didn't) the policeman directed Darren to back up (in the horrible traffic) and take the exit lane he should have taken. (backing up in the traffice-death experince #2.) We finally navigated a ridiculous command, and took off somewhere...anywhere.
In an effort to make a block back to the main street, we ran across a certain Embassey of interest. Great! Darren said. get a picture for the couple [or was that ME that made the suggestion]...their ministry is to be with people from that country! I directed Darren to just pull up to the gate so I could get a quick shot of the official sign. I had just snapped the picture and lowered the camera when an armed guard flashed out with his AK47 and gave the look that would kill us had we not been so dumb, scared, and innocent looking. Thank GOD he did not see my camera (again, What was i thinking) and as he circled our vehicle with the look of a rebel army leader, Darren quickly explained that we were just turning around. Had Darren not proceeded to back up the car, I'm sure he would have finished us off right there. Lesson Learned...no pictures of the Embassey gates, let alone pulling up to the gate like we owned the place. OOPS! Well we proceeded to get the heck out of there, but later told JP that his vehicle was now being tracked by a certain country militia and please be careful.
(Picture removed for security purposes)
Thank goodness Darren and I had been invited to have dinner with Tina Oloo, JP's executive assistant Thursday night. It was the calming effect we needed! Was it ever delicious...wow...mild curry/coconut sauce over fish, sweet potatoes, ????root, a type of greens unknown in American,and rice. And wonderful mango/pineapple fresh fruit dessert. Thank you Tina! what great hospitality.
This morning (Thursday, 2-28) Darren was off at 5AM; almost surreal experience that he was here; we enjoyed our time so much...I miss him already! He and JP would be dangerous together...they are two of a kind. Wonderful connections in Nairobi for Darren through World Relief, Jean Paul, the Harrell's, and Possibilities Africa...all in 48 hours.
I committed yesterday to Martin at PA that I'd come back this morning at 9 to spend more time with the guys, and more specifically on each of their businesses. I was ther at 9AM and left at 12:30PM, thoroughlly exhausted but more energized than ever. I hope I helped them just a little. It really brought out my passion for sales, marketing, etc, and I realized that is another area God may be calling me to, but I don't know how to define it at this point. No processing time for me yet...and a whirlwind trip coming up of 3 more countries. I think I may have to take a sabatical from my sabatical when I get back!!
Blessings to all. I have to pack to leave the apartment Friday morning, and get to spend tomorrow night at JP's and leave very early Saturday for his regional tour. Pray for us!
So this is what I couldn't understand from the garbled up Skpe conversations we were having! I guess that was all before your 2 near death experiences though. Great to hear about your exciting life!
You are such a special blessing to several of us at FEFC. What God is doing in an through you is amazing and your diligence at writing about it makes it all the more a blessing. We're sorry we'll miss you in Nairobi next week. I think you leave the day before we arrive, March 8.
Bob Alexander
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