
So if you ever accidentally delete pictures from your memory card ***NEVER FEAR--PAPA DAN IS HERE! Yes, I was determined to recover the pictures from Father's day that I deleted thinking I had already downloaded them. I sent Fuji Camera an email asking for their suggestion (after finding a recovery software for $34 but didn't want to pay if there was a free way!). They sent back the following website address:http://www.pcinspector.de/file_recovery/uk/welcome.htm and here is one of the 153 pictures I recovered for FREE!!! Save this website, it WILL happen to you eventually! So, for the loss of time on my website since Father's day, Ben gets his real picture posted with.....Papa Dan!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a precious picture. I must figure out how to post pics on my blog, I suppose. Thanks for the info...it'll probably happen to us sooner or later. Glad you were able to retrieve your photos.
P. S. I loved my birthday card from you and Judy. I always enjoy the way she decorates the cards. It's like getting a party in the mailbox. :)