
Africa A Second Time - I'm so Blessed!

I'll be in Rwanda and Kenya for 19 days. I'm answering a call from our church to represent EVFree for World Relief and the work we do in Rwanda through them. This involves field trips, vision casting, a Leadership Conference with our former Pastor Dale Burke leading it, and whatever else God puts in our way and says "Listen up - this is important, tell the people back in Fullerton about this!"

In Kenya I'll be serving with my great friend and mentor, EVFree's former Stewardship and Business Pastor Joe Davis! How God answered the prayers for that to happen is a whole different story - but I'm so thankful!

Stewardship teaching is the priority, but hopefully time for some 1-1 meetings with friends JP/family and Pastor John of World Relief, Kenya; Martin Simiyu of Possibilities Africa Kenya; the Harolds (Missionaries from EVFree) at Moffet Bible College, and more.

More around the 15th or 16th or as internet is available!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will be reading for sure! And praying for your trip. May God use you there.