
Another Trip to Kenya?

There is a good possibility I will be taking another trip to Kenya in February (14-20). Please pray about this with me. The purpose is to attend a 5-day planning workshop with 14 senior pastors in Nairobi along with the World Relief Director of Church Mobilization, and Joe Davis (Retired Pastor of Stewardship from our church). Joe and I would we resources for the week in helping them develop a stewarship small group study for implementation with those 14 churches. The goal is to lead to a city wide stewarship teaching, and ultimately country wide for Kenya and beyond. The premise: Only when the people of God and Africa fully realize and internalize that God owns it all (I Chron. 29:11-13) will the tribal tension and barriers be broken, brotherhood exist even in political unrest, and poverty be addressed in a biblical,sustainable, stewardship manner. More later, but just wanted to post you on this. This has been in the works for over 2 years; hopefully it will happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dad, that is fantastic news! I will be praying that it works out and that you and Joe are able to go. How exciting!!