
Africa A Second Time - I'm so Blessed!

I'll be in Rwanda and Kenya for 19 days. I'm answering a call from our church to represent EVFree for World Relief and the work we do in Rwanda through them. This involves field trips, vision casting, a Leadership Conference with our former Pastor Dale Burke leading it, and whatever else God puts in our way and says "Listen up - this is important, tell the people back in Fullerton about this!"

In Kenya I'll be serving with my great friend and mentor, EVFree's former Stewardship and Business Pastor Joe Davis! How God answered the prayers for that to happen is a whole different story - but I'm so thankful!

Stewardship teaching is the priority, but hopefully time for some 1-1 meetings with friends JP/family and Pastor John of World Relief, Kenya; Martin Simiyu of Possibilities Africa Kenya; the Harolds (Missionaries from EVFree) at Moffet Bible College, and more.

More around the 15th or 16th or as internet is available!


NO Africa trip in Feb 09

God moves in mysterious ways, and this I am trusting is one of them. I all but hit the 'purchase' button last night to buy the tickets to Kenya, but knew I didn't have the final blessing I needed from work. So, I didn't buy.

Good thing. I'm struggling with the decision I got today; I know in my head God is in charge, but it just hasn't taken over my heart yet. I hope it will, but in the mean time I'm afraid I've disappointed several people both here and in Kenya, and that bothers me the most. Tonight, I'm simply trusting that 'joy cometh in the morning'...


Another Trip to Kenya?

There is a good possibility I will be taking another trip to Kenya in February (14-20). Please pray about this with me. The purpose is to attend a 5-day planning workshop with 14 senior pastors in Nairobi along with the World Relief Director of Church Mobilization, and Joe Davis (Retired Pastor of Stewardship from our church). Joe and I would we resources for the week in helping them develop a stewarship small group study for implementation with those 14 churches. The goal is to lead to a city wide stewarship teaching, and ultimately country wide for Kenya and beyond. The premise: Only when the people of God and Africa fully realize and internalize that God owns it all (I Chron. 29:11-13) will the tribal tension and barriers be broken, brotherhood exist even in political unrest, and poverty be addressed in a biblical,sustainable, stewardship manner. More later, but just wanted to post you on this. This has been in the works for over 2 years; hopefully it will happen.


Goodbye 2008!

A year of great growth personally and spiritually! A terrible year financially! Glad one is eternal and the other not!! Have a wonderful 2009. Things I loved this year: Africa, London, two additional grandkids, and another one on the way, great books, a position at Biola totally out of my comfort zone, and lots of great new friends, new board member roles, and Judy!


Christmas Already?

I'm mainly doing this just to 'get over' the last one. No I didn't do the miles. But I got up to 23, and could have done it but for the July/August heat got to me, and I just dropped it. I still look at my bike and silently say...I'll beat you yet...another day I guess.

Christmas...it is special. I love the lights, music, and smell. I love the excitement I see and hear in the grandkids...really refreshes the desire to experience a Christmas season. I'll try to publish more frequently, but if you want a really good, meaningful Christmas read, try Darren's blog on Advent at www.roundtheball.com

So, I think I'll take a picture of the outside of our house (the inside is not started save for the beautiful dinning table Judy decorated yesterday). Enjoy!


Biking is Happening!

So the update I promised as I progress:
10.6 miles 7/11
12.4 miles 7/14
8.20 miles 7/19
16.1 miles 7/21
19.8 miles 7/24
23.2 miles 7/30....totals about 90 mile so far. If I hit my training schedule, I will have ridden 1,142.4 miles by 10-18.

Whew....it is so easy to want to NOT ride; but at mile 8 or 9, the adrenalin kicks in and I have to make sure I don't over-do it.

Still targeting a 57 mile ride on 10-22-08.

I've thought about turning it into a charity ride (a one person event-me-that is). Would anyone be willing to contribute to a favorite missions group of mine, POSSIBILITIES AFRICA? email me at: danp301@pacbell.net if you would be willing to pledge $1 per mile, or any amount per mile or a flat rate. (Check will be made out to Possibilities Africa, and will be 100% deductible). No pressure, just puts purpose into this challenge other than just riding my age on 10-22.

would love to hear your thoughts. if you know anyone that might be interested, please pass my blog site on to them!


Bike'n 'N Swim'n

Today I pumped up my bike tires (they didn't blow out!) and slipped on my biking shoes and took a ride around the neighbor; (oops, Judy just pointed out that I probably meant 'neighborHOOD'). It wasn't bad, so did a 2.3 mile bigger block. Got to 5.1 miles and thought "wonder if I could really do 10 miles". Wow... kept going and guess what...10.5 miles today. I had not been on my bike for a good ride in literally years. I was proud!

Now credit should go where credit is due: Jason. Seeing him do a triathlon a couple of weeks ago, especially all decked out in his biking clothes/assesories, motivated me to get back on my bike and eventually be able to do a ride with him!

So I have set a goal (I have to have goals) to ride 57 miles on my 57th birthday, coming up on October 22; not sure I'll make it, but several years ago for several years I always did my age in bike miles that day. I want to start that again!

Then before lunch Jason Carrie Violet EZ Gavin Sarah Ben Addie came to swim and celebrate Carrie's birthday (which is tomorrow). We had a great time, and here is a picture of the kiddos and Nana & Papa Dan to prove it!

I'll try to keep you posted on my biking 'getting in shape' activities.